
定西市丰源进出口贸易有限公司位于以“中国马铃薯之乡、当归之乡、小杂粮之乡”著称的甘肃省定西市,这里地处西北黄土高原腹地,土层深厚,日照充足,气候适宜,没有污染,是许多农产品和中药材的主产地。我公司主要生产经营豆类、粮谷类、动物饲料类、脱水蔬菜类、香辛料调味品、含油籽仁类、中药材等几大类、100多种产品的种植、加工、出口业务,同时我们也开拓国内市场,大量进口各类农产品,开拓化工、五金矿产、工艺品等新业务。 公司设立之时,我们就确立以“诚信第一、质量第一、服务第一、客户至上”的经营理念。我们的工厂拥有清理、精选、选石、比重、磁选、磨光及先进的包装生产线,建立了严格的质量管理体系和不合格产品召回制度。这一切使我们保证能以优惠的价格供应优质的产品,以满足客户对品质的更高要求。 我们拥有一支充满活力、富有创新的工作团队,我们能为客户提供优质、高效的服务。我们已同日本、韩国、香港、台湾、加拿大、美国、东南亚、中东、南美、欧洲等国家和地区的客商建立了广泛的贸易关系,并树立了良好的信誉,得到众多客户的好评。 我司将不断适应国际、国内市场变化,本着以人为本、互利共赢的原则,热切欢迎广大中外客商同我们精诚合作共创美好未来! Dingxi Fengyuan Import and Export Co., Ltd. is located in Dingxi city, Gansu province, where is famous for the main origin place of potato, angelica and many native products and Chinese traditional medicines. The area is in the center of Northwest Loess Plateau, it has fertile land, plentiful sunshine, suitable climate, no pollution. Our main business scope are producing, processing and exporting peas and beans, feeding stuffs, dehydrated vegetables, spices and seasonings, nuts and kernels, grains, oil seeds and planting seeds, Chinese traditional medicines, etc., more than 100 kinds of products. We also try to expand domestic market, import many kinds of agricultural products in large quantity, carve out new business fields of chemicals, metals , arts and crafts, etc. When our company established, we considered “Faith first, Quality first, Service first, Customers first” as our principle. Our factory owns high technology production line in cleaning, sifting, pebble selector, gravity separator, polishing and packing all kinds of products, and we also have strict quality control system and unqualified products recall system. All these ensure us to provide stable quality products at the lowest price to meet customers’ high quality requirements. [了解更多]



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